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Recordings | Groups | Goals | Rules | How to enter | Contact Us | About Us | Publicity Photos Boston | Chicago | Los Angeles | New York | Pacific North West | San Francisco | Mid Atlantic (DC)Formed in November of 1997. Founders Joe Antonioli and John Hadden had worked together in preceeding years, John recording and producing several recordings for the UVM Top Cats of which Joe was the Musical Director. Both boys were aching to start up a professional group, so, when the time was ripe, they did! True to its name, RA found its musicians in a rather random way--through want ads in local Burlington, Vermont papers and via word of mouth. We think we lucked-out, finding us some very fine musicians! Members: Meg Chambers, Sharon Dorsey, Joe Antonioli, Leigh Guptill, John Hadden, Jill O'Brien, Rich Redmond |